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Rules of the Society

How we operate.

Photograph of Wensleydale Road and Gloucester Road Triangle by Samantha Redfern

NOTE: The Hampton Society was formed on the 2nd March 1956 as the Hampton Residents’ Association and the attached Rules were adopted. By Special Resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on the 29th April 1998 the name was changed from the Hampton Residents’ Association to The Hampton Society.

Rules of the Hampton Residents Association

1. Name: The name of the association shall be the Hampton Residents’ Association.

2. Objects: The objects of the Association shall be to preserve and foster the amenities of Hampton-on-Thames and to protect its buildings of beauty and interest; to preserve its open spaces from disfigurement or encroachment to encourage good architecture in its future development; and generally to protect the, environment and to express the wishes and safeguard the rights of the residents in these matters.

3. Members: All persons resident in Hampton-on-Thames shall be eligible for membership of the Association on payment of the minimum annual subscription. Other persons supporting the objects of the Association may, at the discretion of the Committee, become members and all members shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Association.

4. Subscription: The minimum annual subscription shell be determined annually and shall be payable on the 1st May in each year.

5. Officers: The officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Honorary Secretary, and the Honorary Treasurer.

6. Committee: The Committee shall consist of the Officers together with not more than six ordinary Committee Members.

7. The Committee shall be the governing body of the Association. It shall have power:
(a) to take any steps it may consider desirable to further the interests and objects of the Association;
(b) to use the Association's funds as it thinks fit for the purposes of the Association;
(c) to co-opt members and fill vacancies on the Committee that may arise in any current year;
(d) to convene Extraordinary General Meetings in addition to the Annual General Meeting.
(e) to form sub-committees to consider matters and report their findings to the Committee.

8. Annual General Meeting: An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April each year, of which at least 14 days notice shall be given to Members, and the committee shall submit a report and an audited statement of accounts up to the end of the previous February at this meeting. The Agenda is to be circulated with notice.

9. Election of officers & members: At an Annual General Meeting any member shall be eligible for election as an Officer of the Association or as an ordinary Committee Member. Nominations may be made by a proposer and seconder who shall be members, and if there is more than one nomination for any office, or if more than six ordinary Committee members are nominated to the Committee, election shall be by ballot. The Chairman and the Treasurer shall stand for election at the A.G.M. in even years. The Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall stand for election at the A.G.M. in odd years. Ordinary Committee Members shall hold office for one year. Retiring Officers and retiring ordinary Committee Members shall be eligible for re-election.

10. Amendment of roles: No rule shall be altered or revoked and no new rule added except at a general meeting of the Association. Any proposed amendment to rules at the A.G.M. must be notified to the Secretary not later than the 1st March, and fourteen days' notice must be given before any other meeting.

11. Voting: No motion to add to, or amend, the rules shall be deemed carried unless it has been supported by at least a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the meeting. All other motions shall be deemed carried if supported by at least a simple majority of those present and voting. At any general meeting except the A.G.M. there shall be a quorum of twenty-five members.

12. Extraordinary General Meeting: In addition to the E.G.M's which the Committee may from time to time convene, under Rule 7(d), the Committee shall also convene an E.G.M. if requested to do so in a letter addressed to the Secretary, signed by not less than 12 full members and stating the nature of the matter which they wish to raise. Notice of any E.G.M. must be circulated to members at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting, together with details of the Agenda.

13. Dissolution: The Association shall not be dissolved unless a majority of two-thirds of the subscribing members signify their approval of such course by means of a postal ballot taken after receipt by such members of a statement by the Committee setting forth fairly and impartially a summary of the arguments for and against such course and the views of the Committee there on.

14. If a proposal to dissolve the Association is approved by the above means, the dissolution shall not take effect until after a General Meeting has been held to determine the destiny of any funds remaining vested in the Association.

15. The annual accounts shall be audited by independent Honorary auditors approved at a General Meeting.


Committee members

William Redfern, Chair
High Street, Hampton
Tel. 020 8286 7071

Iacopo Sassi, Deputy Chair,
Malvern Road, Hampton
Tel. 07761 670911

Rosemary Hill, Secretary
Upper Lodge Mews, Bushy Park
Tel. 020 8973 3604

Brian Brignall, Treasurer
Howard Close, Hampton
Tel. 020 8979 9499

Linda Brignall, Membership
Howard Close, Hampton
Tel. 020 8979 9499

Maura Waters,
Newsletter editor
Acacia Road, Hampton
Tel. 020 8979 9654

Sylvia Bridge Le Cluse,
Planning advisor
Avenue Road, Hampton
Tel. 020 8941 4450

Alice Fordham
Wensleydale Gardens, Hampton
Tel. 020 8979 3543

Lesley Cesenek
Park Close, Hampton
Tel. 07540 342813

Why not join the committee?

We always welcome ‘new blood’ to reflect our ever-changing membership. Do you like organising events; have accounting skills; have experience of planning issues or researching items of local interest? If you would like to make a contribution to the direction of the Society you are cordially invited to contact the Chair, or any committee member.